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Self Miracle Part One
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1 and PDF e-book. 9385 KB - Windows and MacOs
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You Can Download Your
Self Miracle Part Two
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PDF e-book. 9649 KB - Windows and MacOs
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you will receive your bonuses once you have received session 9. Yes I want you
to complete the program! 
Self Miracle Session 2 Guide Notes
Here are
some further suggestions for your desires:
Business Life
Do you want
to change your career?
Do you want to be a company director?
Or a marketing guru?
Or a copyrighting guru?
Do you want to be a day trader?
Do you want to be head of your department?
What about Internet Marketing?
Or mail order?
How about a second income selling stuff on eBay?
What about being an agent or middle person?
What about a franchise?
How good is your time management?
Your Financial Life
Do you have
Do you have a financial plan for your future?
Are your savings accounts earning you enough interest?
Do you have a debt consolidation plan?
Are your credit cards charging you too much interest?
Are you owed money by your tax office?
Do you have an offshore account?
Is your pension plan working hard enough for you?
Can you get a better mortgage deal?
Personal Life
Do you have
fun at the weekends?
Why not learn Spanish?
Or Chinese?
Or French?
Or German?
Or Japanese?
Do you want to make home movies?
Or be a computer wizard?
Or create high quality graphics?
Or take a course on computer programming?
Or a course on a skill like woodworking, or metalworking or crafts?
Do you want to record a song?
Or play in a band?
Or be an actor or actress?
Or a dancer?
Can you teach others?
What about buying a new car or motorcycle?
How about speaking in public?
Health, Fitness and Wellbeing
Why don't
you learn windsurfing?
Or learn to skateboard?
Or water skiing?
Or surfing?
Join your local gym
Or take up Pilates
Or get a home gym
What about rowing?
Have you had a full health check lately?
What about running in a 5km event?
How about martial arts?
Do you want to play darts or snooker or pool?
How about playing soccer?
Or baseball?
Or hockey?
Or tennis?
How about the Atkins diet?
Or South Beach?
Do you need supplements or vitamins?
Want to quit smoking?
Or drinking?
Or gambling?
Do you relax enough?
How about a massage?
Or a sauna?
Do you have
a favorite charity or charities
Can you become a mentor for someone?
Or teach some kids?
Or be a sports coach for kids?
Or helping disabled people?
Can you help someone by offering them the benefit of your experience?
Are you doing enough for your parents?
Or your grandparents?
Or your brothers and / or sisters?

Your Self Miracle Session 2 Actions |
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