"This Is A
Four Day Offer To Get The Self Improvement Program Everyone Is
Raving About At A
Never To Be Seen Again Price"
From now until Midnight on 19th September 2009
(or before if the limited supply of packages ends), I'm offering a
greater than 30% discount on the revolutionary Your Self Miracle
success training program.
Now you can get the entire training
system and 5 incredible bonus (pictured below) for over 30% off the normal
The course sells like hot cakes everyday
for $97.... but you can save over 30% and get the entire system for
just $67!

And if the over 30% savings isn't enough cause to celebrate,
I'm also throwing in........
Five Free Bonuses Worth $155!
Bonus 1: Your
Self Miracle The Book - this 96 page book contains even more secrets
and techniques than the audio program to really supercharge your
Bonus 2: Murder Procrastination
- this two part audio program will help you understand why you
procrastinate and help you overcome this success killer forever!
Bonus 3: How To Exploit Your
Brain's Unlimited Power - This incredible book shows you how to
boost your brain power, optimize your IQ and enhance your mental
to the full!
Bonus 4: The Law Of Attraction -
in this amazing book you will learn how to use the law of attraction
and harness the power of your mind to create a totally fulfilling
Bonus 5: Banishing Bad Habits -
a powerful publication that will empower you to break any bad habit
with ease!

"Who Else Wants This
Simple Change Your Life Toolkit That Will Guarantee You
Receive Whatever You Want From Life Now And In The Future?"
Do You Have A Problem With Following
Through On Everything You Start?
Do You Want To
Change Your Life But
Don't Know What You Want To Do?
If You Answered "Yes" To Either Or Both Of These Questions,
I've Got Some Really Good News For You.......
Until now only a small number of
successful people have learned
these amazing life changing secrets that will guarantee you will
change your life for the better and realize your dreams.
Your Self Miracle will work for you where other success programs will
not because:
The audio
recordings are entertaining and very easy to
listen to......
The Program has
been specifically designed for normal people who do not have a
degree in psychology.......
The success
secrets are so
"easy to understand" and
"simple to apply"......
I give you tons
of practical
examples of how the secrets
were applied by me and by others......
The unique
online follow up system will drive you to ensure that you
From: The Desk Of Graham Bowall (aka "Sledge")
Hey there,
Firstly, I want to congratulate you for visiting this
page. You are here because you want to change your life and you are
certainly in the minority because you are actually doing something about
If you ever wanted to "crack the code" on the secret
skills that enable ordinary people to achieve success beyond their wildest
dreams.....and do it fast, then this will be the most exciting thing you
have EVER read..........
You have
probably never heard of me... but people in success circles sure have. I
have been sought after by companies and individuals all over the world for
some years now. I have helped many people and others beg me for
personalized instruction.
All these people come to me despite the fact that I
NEVER advertise my services. It's all word of mouth. One person whispering
to another............
Why do all these people seek me out? It's simple.
Because I have MASTERMINDED the best success secrets and produced
cutting edge powerful but easy to apply techniques into one of the
most comprehensive success
programs that guarantee
the right result.
Your Self Miracle has been exclusively designed to fix the most
common reasons why people give up on the things that they want to
do. It also helps people decide what they want to do with their
lives and helps them achieve their dreams.
Here is a story that I am sure you can
relate to:
Crystal is a
35 year old woman who had always struggled with her weight.
When asked how many diets she had started she would always
“It's been so many I just can't remember”.
What she did
clearly remember though is that most of them had a positive
effect on her – they made her lose weight and feel good about
The problem
she always had was sticking to the plan and not reverting back
to her old eating habits. She had done this with every diet
she had started and therefore had come to the conclusion that
“Diets don't work”.
A friend of
hers told her about Your Self Miracle and how it had helped
her follow through on many things that she wanted to achieve
in life. Crystal decided to get the program as her friend had
told her that it wasn't the diet that didn't work but her
inability to see it through that was the problem.
So armed with
her newly learned techniques from Your Self Miracle, Crystal
embarked on yet another diet. This time she stuck to it
rigidly and thoroughly enjoyed the process. She lost 32 pounds
in four months to get to her target weight and has been there
ever since. |
"In the past
I always had a problem with starting things and not finishing
them. Diets were a big problem for me as I would never stick at
Thanks to
Sledge and Your Self Miracle I now see everything through that I
start. I have lost over 30 pounds and the really good news is
that I have kept the weight off which is not easy to do in your
mid thirties.
And it was
really easy".
Crystal Graham
Tampa Fl |
A Little
Background - And An All-Too-Common Problem.....
Your Self Miracle has been helping people break down the barriers to
getting whatever they want from their lives since 2006. I am really
proud of the fact that so many people have used the program to bring
about the necessary changes needed to drive them to a life of
success and fulfillment.
Through my work with many people over the last
few years I uncovered a problem that so many people were facing in
their lives................
Most People
Do Not Know What They
Really Want From Their Lives....
In fact this is the main reason why so many
people drift along in life and live from paycheck to paycheck.
Dangerous Myth That's Ruining Your Life.....
When I asked people why they had
not decided on the direction that they wanted their life to go in, I
would often receive the reply "All that stuff is for university whiz
kids and smarter people than me".
If you think about this for a
moment there is some logic to it. Our education system makes us
believe that only the best academically will succeed in life (well
it certainly had that affect on me at the time). Then when you leave
school and start working for a living it's the same kind of story
isn't it? If you work hard you can keep your job etc.
But let me ask you something: Do
you really believe that academic achievement will bring you
everything you desire in life?
Of course it won't. Otherwise all
you would have to do is take a few exams and the life of your dreams
would be yours.
Here's another way to look at it.
If brains and academic success are the keys to success how come so
many academically challenged people have been wildly successful with
anything they decided to do?
The Secret
To Living The Life That You Want.......
Deciding what you want from your
life and going out there and getting it is actually much simpler
than you can imagine.
I am going to let you in on a
powerful secret. There is one thing and one thing only that sets
successful people apart from those less successful........
People Control Their Minds......
Because no matter how clever you
are, if your mind is not programmed in the right way and you cannot
control your opposing forces to your advantage (more on this in a
minute) then you will never change your life to how you want it to
Fortunately, there is a powerful
solution to ensure that your life is never "unfulfilled". I have
developed Your Self Miracle which is guaranteed to fill you with
drive and vitality and give you the essential tools that you need to
live the life that you want.
But what makes this program so
different and so much more successful than other self improvement
products? It's a unique approach which uses an online follow up
system. This makes sure that you not only fully understand the
powerful secrets that I reveal to you but also that you follow
through on what you have learned and apply it in your life.
This approach is powerful, simple
to use and works like nothing else you have ever seen.......
Immediately Came Up With Suggestions!
"I thoroughly enjoyed Your Self Miracle
and got a lot out of it. I thought your program was excellent.
It is very well put together and has a very easy to follow
The information you
use covers the crucial elements for someone to apply on a daily
basis and it will make a big difference to their success. I found
the simple, easy to apply short steps much better than other
programs I have used before.
The follow up system
is a great idea and made me follow through and complete the
program. So many self development products overload people with
information and exercises and as a result none of it gets done.
I applied your
question method in session three to a goal of mine and immediately
came up with nearly 2 pages of A4 as suggestions to explore! I
have also got some action steps in place to move it forward."
Amanda Goldston
Great News
For People Who Hate
Complicated Theories And Concepts....
There are a lot of Self Development Guru's out
there spouting complicated theories and concepts claiming to be able
to transform you into some kind of intellectual powerhouse.
I don't know about you, but when
I read or listen to things like this that are at best difficult to
understand and at worst impossible - I just switch off and ditch the
The techniques in Your Self
Miracle are easy to understand, very powerful and best of all so
easy to apply in everyday life. I promise that you will not have to
refer to any dictionaries, reference books or any of that nonsense.
Just listen - apply - and succeed.
In a minute, I will give you the
complete details on how these powerful techniques will change your
life beyond your wildest dreams and in record time. But first I am
going to let some of the other people that have used the program
tell you in their own words how successful the techniques in Your
Self Miracle have been when applied to their lives:
Tom Hethrington was one of the
first people to use the program. Before this he was stuck in a dead
end job and just existing. He tried the program because he was so
frustrated with the lack of progress that he had made with other
self help materials he had purchased:
My Confidence Has Soared!
"Sledge is a crazy man but the tools he provides in Your Self
Miracle are just so easy to use and really effective.
Since using the program my confidence
has soared and I have now given up my incredibly dull day job
and branched out successfully on my own.
Thank you so much Sledge!"
Tom Hethrington
London UK |
Caroline Lewis is a self employed computer
programmer who was struggling to find long term high paying
contracts that her skill level deserved. She was very low on
confidence and was considering quitting her line of work as finding
new, high paying customers was too difficult:
Had More Energy!
"I have tried other self improvement
programs but they have always failed to deliver in some areas.
Your Self Miracle is the complete self development package that
After only a few days of applying the
simple concepts I noticed I had more energy and truly looked
forward to the day ahead. I have since negotiated many lucrative
contracts that I know I wouldn't have done without the program.
If you are truly serious about being
successful, then this program is definitely for you."
Caroline Lewis
Houston Tx |
Beatrice Brown is a writer from Australia
who was struggling to get her works published. After using Your Self
Miracle she finished a number of her books and is enjoying great
success with her writing career:
His Teachings Have Changed My Life!
"Totally by chance, I was extremely
fortunate to meet Graham. He is an entertaining, dynamic, and
honest speaker, and his teachings have changed my life.
As an upbeat and positive person, his Your Self Miracle audios
have given me a new insight on his teaching method. Your not
left alone, he takes you by the hand, and helps you every step
of the way.
His material is practical, easily learned, and although
deceptively simple, it is extremely powerful. His teaching
through his program is a great value, and I highly recommend it
to anyone who is interested in increasing his or her quality of
Beatrice Brown
http://www.Loa-coaching.Com |
Michael Lee is one of Asia's finest self
development speakers and writers with a massive following. Here's
Michael's take on the techniques in Your Self Miracle:
Buz Mcguire is an online publisher who had
been quite successful in the past but was looking for a way to
supercharge his success:
A Great System That Literally
Guarantees Your Success!
"Do you want to access your higher self
at will and learn to live your miracle life?"
In his new amazing audio
series, Your Self Miracle, Graham 'Sledge Bowall offers information,
inspiration, and a great system that literally guarantees your
I found myself
mesmerized by Graham's friendly but forceful delivery, and I'm
already looking forward to using this program again and again to
supercharge my success."
Buz McGuire
http://www.viralhappiness.com |
Nicholas Ho was a student who had a strong
interest in what made people successful and was studying several
other self development programs. He bought Your Self Miracle and had
this to say:
Michael Varada is a successful computer
programmer and entrepreneur who rarely has time to use a program
like this. After hearing about the unique way in which the program
worked he quickly grabbed a copy and had this to say about it:
Very Simple Yet Very Powerful!
"Your Self Miracle is very impressive
both in presentation and content. Graham is very entertaining,
well organized and straight forward with his practical ideas and
techniques for achieving your desires, dreams and goals.
This program is packed with ideas that
make you stop and think about how you can apply them to your own
life. I especially like the 'key question' technique which works
with your subconscious to focus on solutions. Very simple yet very
powerful. I have also started using the 'imaginary boss' technique
which I find to be particularly useful since I am my own boss. It
has been a very important tool for helping me stay on track and
complete the projects I need to accomplish.
Since I am in the business of helping
people achieve their own success, I am very critical of self
improvement products. I find the positive messages and principles
Graham teaches in Your Self Miracle to be very valuable while
traveling down the road to achieving your dreams."
Michael Varada
Amy Twain is a self improvement coach and
successful author of the excellent "Fabulous Self Esteem" which has
helped countless people raise the self esteem. She heard about Your
Self Miracle from a business colleague, tried it and wrote this
about it:
Not Like Any Other Self Improvement Program
Out There!
"I found Your Self Miracle not like any
self improvement programs out there, in such a way that it's got
a unique style that utilizes a follow up system. Doing this
ensures the user that after understanding the secrets revealed
in this Program, it also makes me follow through on whatever
I've learned and incorporate it into my life.
Being a self improvement coach, this book was really useful to
me in boosting more ideas when it comes to the secrets of
success. And the best part about Your Self Miracle? It was
written in very simply and easy-to-understand language specially
intended for ordinary mortals who never had a degree in
This Program tackles and fixes some of the
most usual reasons (and excuses) as to why we easily give up on the
things we always wanted to have or achieve in the first place.
I recommend Your Self Miracle to all those who want to succeed
and make their dreams come true.
Great job, Sledge!"
Amy Twain
You could be getting similar or even better
results. All it takes is applying some of the simple, life changing
techniques you'll discover in Your Self Miracle.
Everything you need to know to quickly change
your life to how you want it is revealed in complete step by step
detail. Here's an overview of what's included in this comprehensive
Why You Are Not Successful At The Moment. This is vital for
you to understand and will propel you out of the gate first
on your success journey.
The Secrets Of Success. A simple three step formula
that is guaranteed to get you the results that you want.
How To Decide What You Want.
You will receive a ton of ideas for choosing the path
that you want and really kick start your success.
How To Plan To Ensure You Get It.
Here you will learn to use an immensely powerful tool
that will bring ideas flowing to you for days afterwards.
How To Easily Control Your Thoughts To Achieve Your Desires.
You will learn how to
effortlessly control your thoughts to keep a laser focus on
achieving your success. This is absolutely crucial!
The Opposing Forces Within You And How To Ensure The Right One
Wins Every Time. You will learn about the two sides of you
and how to make sure the right side wins every time!
The Awesome Power Of Emotional Drivers. You will learn that
just setting goals or desires is
never enough. You have to apply emotional drivers to really
set your butt on fire! This is absolutely KEY and not found
in other success programs
The Power To Solve Any Problem With Ease. Everybody has
problems in their lives but with this
secret you can come up with solutions almost instantly.
How To Conquer All Your Fears In A Heartbeat. You will learn
a technique to cure all your fears that is so simple but
devastatingly effective.
How To Squeeze More Time From Your Life. Don't have enough
time in your life to make your dreams happen? Forget that!
With this simple technique you will be able to achieve your
dreams and have time for everybody and everything else that's
important in your life!
How To Build Your Iron Resolve So You Can Do Anything. Do
you have a problem with
procrastination? Hey stupid question, the whole world has
this problem right? Not if they have an iron resolve -
you'll learn how to get one super fast!
Why The Law Of Inertia Is So Important And How You Can Use It.
This law prevents most people from succeeding, but here you will
learn how to make this law work for you instead of
against you to turbo charge your success.
Two Simple Things That Will Bring So Much Joy And Happiness To
You. If you are happy about your life success will be so
much easier for you. Learn the
simple secrets of true happiness.
How To Turn You Into A Power House Of Confidence - Instantly.
When you have confidence you can do anything! Learn how
you can switch this confidence on
A Magical Daily Ritual To Accelerate Your Success. Here you
will learn how to make all this happen at supersonic
speed by just doing a few
devastatingly simple things every day.
And a ton more. How to avoid negativity to keep your energy
levels at full tilt... how to "eliminate ingrained beliefs" that
are limiting you... how to use the amazing power of your sub
conscious mind to do literally anything.. how to keep going
even if it seems that the odds are stacked against you.... and
way too much more to explain here.
The important point is this: there is now an
easy to use program with a powerful follow up system that you can
use to achieve the success that you really deserve. Your Self
Miracle gives you the proven, practical tools you need to take
your life to another level.
These tools and techniques have helped people
from all walks of life decide on their life strategy and achieve
their desires. The techniques have been used by housewives,
students, computer programmers, office workers, construction
workers, taxi drivers, writers, self employed business people,
online publishers, company directors, self improvement
practitioners, entrepreneurs, sports enthusiasts, stock brokers,
shop workers, customer service operators, engineers and more. The
bottom line is these techniques will work for you regardless of your
current situation.
Let's take a look at the components of the
What You
Will Get.....
I have spent over six months documenting these
secrets and relating real life applications of how I used them
effectively into one of the most power packed success programs
available. I decided that I would make it really easy for you by
spending a lot of time and money producing professionally recorded
MP3 audios for you to listen to and absorb this super powered
information. It's the ONLY way to learn fast. Other paper based
success programs don't work for people because they don't want to
wade through hundreds of pages!
Well we ended up recording many hours of material
and then went into the editing studio and spent a lot of time
editing this down into nine killer MP3's.
Not only that, but at another huge time and money
cost I have developed a follow up system that is VITAL to your
success and totally unique for success programs.
But it didn't stop there. I wanted to be sure
that this product was as perfect as I could make it. So we
tested the product on a number of people and tweaked it with their
critical feedback.
I reveal in these audios will make you feel great about yourself and
instantly create a burning desire for your success.
This means you'll suddenly have more confidence....
have more energy and most importantly believe that you
can do anything.
Here's what I want to
offer you......
Your Self Miracle has taken months of research and
testing and of course all the other huge expenses in professionally
recording it. Also, I am personally committed to everyone that
invests in Your Self Miracle so I will monitor your
progress and be there to answer any questions that you have every
step of the way!
But if you are willing to move on this NOW and
change your life forever I will give you immediate access to this
king of success programs, Your Self Miracle, and its awesome
power at a steep bargain price.

Mega Bonus One "Your Self Miracle - The Book"

Already a best seller the book contains even more examples of how to
apply the success secrets and contains extra material that was cut
out of the audio recordings to keep the size of them down. It is
currently selling very well for $27
Mega Bonus Two "Murder Procrastination"
Do you procrastinate? Off course you do! From the same stable as
Your Self Miracle and another best seller it is the complete audio
program on understanding and overcoming your procrastination for
good! This is selling off the page at $47 which you can see
Mega Bonus Three "How To Exploit Your Brain's Unlimited Power"

This is an Incredible book. Inside you will learn how to super boost
your Brain Power, Optimize your IQ, and Enhance Your Mental
Abilities to the Full. Contains vital information about the brain
and the exact procedure to improve it. This is all you need to turn
your brain into something more powerful than today's fastest
machines! The retail value of this book is $47.
You will receive TWO additional bonuses with this special 4 day
offer "The Law Of Attraction" and "Banish Bad Habits"
Total Value Of Bonuses $155
It's Easy To Get Started......
Getting started couldn't be easier. The cost of this life changing
program is just $97. That includes the comprehensive audio package,
session transcripts and all the bonuses if you order before they
have all gone.
Even though the price is extremely reasonable (about the cost of a
meal for two at a decent restaurant), here's what's really
important. If this program was just another set of regurgitated
theories that Einstein would have difficulty in applying this would
leave you very frustrated and it wouldn't matter what the price was.
But if you can change your life for the better, have more confidence
and energy and use these powerful techniques over and over again to
get whatever you want be that money, relationships, excellence in
sports, the perfect body, optimum health, traveling the world,
learning new profitable skills or absolutely anything else that you
want to do, what is that actually worth to you?
I can't put an exact figure on it for you - only you can do that.
But I can tell you this: at $97, this program could very possible be
the best bargain and the best investment you'll ever make.
To get on track to making your life exactly how you want it use the
secure payment system by clicking on the button below:
I'll "Sweeten The Deal" Even More - I
Invite You
To Put All Of The Risk Entirely On Me....
Now in case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make
it foolproof for you. You see, I completely guarantee that the
techniques in Your Self Miracle will transform your life like
nothing else you have ever experienced.
You've already heard what my customers have to say about how much
they've benefited. So here's what I would like you to do. Use these
techniques for yourself for thirty days with no risk whatsoever. The
risk is completely mine.
You can "test drive" every one of my proven techniques as many times
as you like. Since all of them are easy to implement you will see
amazing benefits very quickly.
Your Success Is Completely Backed By My
Go ahead and try Your Self Miracle in it's entirety (that's over 177
minutes of power-packed audio) without risking anything. I
personally guarantee that -- within the next thirty days -- you will
be delighted with this information... or I'll promptly refund every
dime of your money! No explanation is necessary. This is a zero-risk
trial offer and you are under absolutely no obligation to keep the
program if you're not 100% satisfied. And if you qualified for the
bonuses they will be yours to keep.
Don't Settle For Less Than The Life You
Really Want
Do Something About It Now....
Now that you know what's possible, you'll never again have to lead a
life of drudgery and existence. You can be anything you want to be
with this powerful toolkit.
Don't wait. Take a minute now and complete your order today. Let's
get started right now on making your life what you want it to be.

P.S. What are you doing down here? Success programs that
really work are rarer than rocking horse guano! This incredible
offer is only available for a very short time frame. I have
been overwhelmed at the response so far so don't miss out on your
special bonuses as once they have gone they have gone. A don't
forget the risk is totally with me.

If You Have Any Questions Or Concerns Just Send An Email To
info AT selfmiracle.com
Change Your Life
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