change your life

A Very Special Offer For You
As A Friend Of
Michael Lee

"If You Want To Wake Up Each Day With A Feeling Of Total Excitement Knowing That You Can Achieve Anything Then You Need To Read On..."

That's Right - Your Excitement Will Be Uncontrollable
As You Realize How EASY It Is To Change Your Life
With These Simple Secrets


Wow.... So Many Of You Have Taken Up This Very Special Offer - Thank You And Welcome Aboard.

I Now Have Only 63 27 Packages Remaining So Grab Yours NOW
While They Are Still Available


This Is A Four Day Offer From 22 March 2011
To Midnight On 25 March 2011 And A
Golden Opportunity For You To Grab
This Fabulous Success Program At A
Never To Be Seen Again Price.

I Can Only Offer So Many Packages As I
Personally Monitor Your Progress
Throughout The Program
So Don't Miss Out
Get In NOW!


From: Graham "Sledge" Bowall

Re: Change Your Life Now And Live Each Day With Excitement And Confidence

Click the play button for an exciting message from Sledge

Dear Life Change Seeker,

ow are you feeling about your life right now? Perhaps you feel tired, overwhelmed, depressed or unfulfilled.

Does the thought of a new day fill you with excitement or make you think "oh my god not another day in the rat race!".

What do you believe the future holds for you? Or maybe you haven't really thought about it as it seems to painful to do this.

Do you feel like you are just drifting along in life reacting to whatever situations you are faced with each day?

You rarely feel the excitement that life should be offering you and you wish that there was a better way...

Well Just Imagine This...


Imagine if you could wake up every single day bursting with energy and total enthusiasm for the day ahead...

Imagine if you were in total control of your life, knew exactly where your life was heading and had certainty that you were going to get there...

Imagine walking with your head held so high because you have total purpose in your life. You are on a mission and everyone around you is envious of your transformation...

Imagine that all those things that you always wanted to do were now easily achievable...

Imagine having the confidence and inner power to tackle anything in the pursuit of your dreams...

Sound impossible to you? It could be your reality now...


Why Should You Listen To Me...


A few years ago I was in a desperate situation. I was thousands of dollars in debt and in the darkest time of my life. I was living in a foreign country on less than a dollar a day! Not something that I would recommend...

You have probably never heard of me before... but people in success circles sure have. I have been sought after by companies and individuals all over the world for some years now. I have helped many people, and others beg me for personalized instruction.

All these people come to me despite the fact that I NEVER advertise my services. It's all word of mouth. One person whispering to another...

Why do all these people seek me out? It's simple. Because I have MASTERMINDED the best life changing secrets and produced cutting edge powerful but easy to apply techniques into one of the most comprehensive life changing programs that guarantee the right result.


Introducing Your Self Miracle...



Here are just some of the amazing things that you will learn in Your Self Miracle that will take your life, success and happiness to another level:


This is the starting point to a new you.

A 25 minute power packed audio that explains why you are not experiencing the life that you desire at the moment.

This is a absolutely essential to prepare you for the breathtaking journey ahead.

Session One will reveal:

The three step success formula
The two biggest reasons why people fail
Your two opposing forces and why one must prevail for you to succeed
The awesome power of your subconscious
The life changing power of emotions
True life stories and examples

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now


This will ensure that you decide what you really want.

I will guide you through all the steps you need to take to decide on your long and short term desires in this most important  25 minute session.

This is where your excitement will go into overdrive - as your real life changing journey will begin here.

Session Two will reveal:

Why just writing a list of goals is a total waste of time
Why emotional drivers are so powerful and how to apply them to ensure your success
A simple test that ensures that what you have decided is totally right for you. Without this you may never achieve what you want
What the SMART principle is and how it will be of major benefit to you
The ideal number of goals / desires to follow
Numerous ideas to help you decide in all the major areas of your life

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now



Step two of the success cycle is planning how you will achieve your desires.

In this 16 minute power packed audio I will reveal an awesome technique to make planning for your success so easy.

I will show you how to get all the assistance you need from your subconscious mind..

Session Three will reveal:

The awesome "key question technique"
How to structure your plans so you are super motivated to take action each day
The essential steps to keep you paralyzing force out of site
Conducting time assessments and why they are critical for you
A simple end of the day technique that will really stoke your fire and ensure your continuing momentum
True life stories and examples

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now



This is the most important session of all.

This 18 minute mind blowing audio will reveal how you can use the awesome power of your subconscious mind to get anything that you want from life..

The simple yet exceptionally powerful techniques in session 4 will enable you to build a subconscious powerhouse.

Session Four will reveal:

The most critical thing that you must do to ensure your success - fortunately this is very easy!
Techniques that will make sure that you have a positive state of mind rather than a negative one
How to call the power of your subconscious mind to help you solve any problem
The key to strengthening your subconscious mind so that it rewards you forever
How to deal with negativity in a snap!
True life stories and examples

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now



What is an Iron Resolve and why do you need one?

All will be revealed in this monster 23 minute session that explains what character traits you need to adopt to truly change your life.

There is a tremendous amount covered in this session to make sure that you are well equipped to start on your life's most exciting journey.

Session Five will reveal:

Why you need an Iron Resolve and why it will make you successful forever
How an Iron Resolve will empower you to do absolutely anything!
How to honestly assess your current character set and decide where you need to improve
The six traits of an Iron Resolve and why they are all critical to your success
How to ensure that you never "give up"
True life stories and examples

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now



Boost your confidence to unbelievable levels with session 6.

23 minutes of action packed audio that will reveal easy to use techniques that will give you instant confidence in any situation.

Confidence is another vital part of your success make up and you will develop yours to astonishing levels here .

Session Six will reveal:

How to truly tackle irrational fear
The first essential step to supreme self confidence
A daily ritual which takes seconds that will send your self esteem through the roof!
Why your body posture is a vital factor
How to stop living in the past
True life stories and examples

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now



Two immensely powerful techniques to ensure your happiness every day.

With this amazing 16 minute audio you will learn how to experience new highs that you never thought possible.

Success is one thing - but without happiness and fulfillment it will seem pretty empty. Session 7 will ensure that this will not happen to you.

Session Seven will reveal:

The two Power G's and why they are so important
How the Power G's can instantly remove feelings of stress and anger for you
Small, simple things that you can do to make people adore you
The true secret to total fulfillment
Two powerful questions you can ask yourself to make you feel alive and raring to go
True life stories and examples

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now



Want to change your life at lightening speed and enjoy super success quickly?

This 17 minute power audio session will show you exactly how to do that and will hand you all the tools that you need.

Successful people over generations have been using these techniques to achieve success fast and you can too.

Session Eight will reveal:

The secret to accelerating your success
Why all the myths and nonsense associated with this technique are lies and how you can turn this into your advantage.
How to easily put this awesome technique into practice in less than 30 minutes.
Why repetition is essential to you
Tips to make the technique ultra effective
A review of what you have learned so far

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now



The final session will show you how to put it all together and use the techniques on a daily basis to bring you everything that you want from life.

In this 23 minute audio you will learn exactly what simple things to do each and every day which will harness the power of inertia and catapult you to success.


Session Nine will reveal:

When the unexpected happens, how to ensure that you stay on track and complete what you started
How to harness the power of emotion to make sure that everyday is successful for you
What symbols to use to motivate yourself beyond belief!
Why taking small actions each day will build exponentially and turn you into an action warrior!
The true power of recording your progress
A super simple technique that will enable you to grow and be continuously fulfilled in your life

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now



The follow up system in Your Self Miracle is totally unique for this kind of program. It uses a continuous proof of learning principle which means that you have to answer questions and take small actions after the end of each session to make sure that you have learned and understood all the critical aspects of each recording.

This is all done online. In fact you can't download the next session until you have completed this vital step for the previous session. Now this is not difficult at all but what it does do is make you think and take action. The two vital ingredients for your success.

I will also read all of your answers and be there to help you if you have any questions. Many people have asked me questions that have used the program and you simply will not get this with other programs. If you think about it it means you cannot fail to succeed!

The follow up system will:

Make sure that you have understood the all important concepts from each session
Make you take action towards achieving whatever you want from life
Provide my support to you every step of the way
Provide you with a chance to ask questions which I will respond to
Make sure that you don't just listen but put what you have learned into practice
Deliver the next session to you automatically once you have completed the previous one

Change Your Life Now


As you can see Your Self Miracle is an awesome program because it takes you by the hand and guides and transforms you from where you are now into a new action orientated success magnet!

Your family and friends will not believe the quick transformation you have made and you will feel so proud and excited about your future.

But you don't have to take my word for it. Have a look at what some of the users of Your Self Miracle have to say about it...


What Real Users Had To Say About Your Self Miracle...



I Now See Everything Through That I Start

"It is not until I heard and followed the instructions in your program did I really believe that anything could change me.

In the past I always had a problem with starting things and not finishing them. Diets were a big problem for me as I would never stick at them.

Thanks to Sledge and Your Self Miracle I now see everything through that I start. I have lost over 30 pounds and the really good news is that I have kept the weight off which is not easy to do in your mid thirties.

And it was really easy".

Crystal Graham
Tampa Florida




  I Immediately Came Up With Suggestions!

"I thoroughly enjoyed Your Self Miracle and got a lot out of it. I thought your program was excellent. It is very well put together and has a very easy to follow format. 

The information you use covers the crucial elements for someone to apply on a daily basis and it will make a big difference to their success. I found the simple, easy to apply short steps much better than other programs I have used before.  

The follow up system is a great idea and made me follow through and complete the program. So many self development products overload people with information and exercises and as a result none of it gets done. 

I applied your question method in session three to a goal of mine and immediately came up with nearly 2 pages of A4 as suggestions to explore! I have also got some action steps in place to move it forward."


Amanda Goldston




  My Confidence Has Soared!

"Sledge is a crazy man but the tools he provides in Your Self Miracle are just so easy to use and really effective.

Since using the program my confidence has soared and I have now given up my incredibly dull day job and branched out successfully on my own.

Thank you so much Sledge!"

Tom Hethrington
London UK




  I Have More Energy!

"I have tried other self improvement programs but they have always failed to deliver in some areas. Your Self Miracle is the complete self development package that works!

After only a few days of applying the simple concepts I noticed I had more energy and truly looked forward to the day ahead. I have since negotiated many lucrative contracts that I know I wouldn't have done without the program.

If you are truly serious about being successful, then this program is definitely for you."

Caroline Lewis
Houston Texas




  Super Mind Power At Its Finest!

"Your Self Miracle is impressive! I have gone through tons of self-improvement books and audios, and Sledge's product ranks among the best of the best.

I believe anyone who applies the teachings will experience massive positive transformations in every aspect of their lives. This is super mind power at its finest! "

Michael Lee




  A Great System That Literally Guarantees Your Success!

"Do you want to access your higher self at will and learn to live your miracle life?" 

In his new amazing audio series, Your Self Miracle, Graham 'Sledge' Bowall offers information, inspiration, and a great system that literally guarantees your success. 

I found myself mesmerized by Graham's friendly but forceful delivery, and I'm already looking forward to using this program again and again to supercharge my success."


Buz McGuire




  Graham Guided Me Step By Step!

"Your Self miracle" is about YOU, yourself making things unbelievable ( miracle ) happen in your life.

Graham's Your Self Miracle truly inspired me from ordinary to extraordinary. One significant thing is that he included his own experience in handling events that happened in his life, which truly made me learn faster, and have a more comfortable learning experience using his program.

This is not a normal self improvement program. It is fun learning. He is very straight forward with his ideas, which made me raise questions to myself in my path to power and greatness.

I especially love the way Graham guided me, step by step, little by little and yet quickly to attain unbelievable achievement. He ensures that you must finish the audio that you are currently listening to before proceeding to the next level, which shows his passion in guiding people in their pathway to greatness.

Great Job Graham.

Nicholas Ho




  Very Simple Yet Very Powerful!

"Your Self Miracle is very impressive both in presentation and content. Graham is very entertaining, well organized and straight forward with his practical ideas and techniques for achieving your desires, dreams and goals.

This program is packed with ideas that make you stop and think about how you can apply them to your own life. I especially like the 'key question' technique which works with your subconscious to focus on solutions. Very simple yet very powerful. I have also started using the 'imaginary boss' technique which I find to be particularly useful since I am my own boss. It has been a very important tool for helping me stay on track and complete the projects I need to accomplish.

Since I am in the business of helping people achieve their own success, I am very critical of self improvement products. I find the positive messages and principles Graham teaches in Your Self Miracle to be very valuable while traveling down the road to achieving your dreams."

Michael Varada



  Not Like Any Other Self Improvement Program Out There!

"I found Your Self Miracle not like any self improvement programs out there, in such a way that it's got a unique style that utilizes a follow up system. Doing this ensures the user that after understanding the secrets revealed in this Program, it also makes me follow through on whatever I've learned and incorporate it into my life.

Being a self improvement coach, this book was really useful to me in boosting more ideas when it comes to the secrets of success. And the best part about Your Self Miracle? It was written in very simply and easy-to-understand language specially intended for ordinary mortals who never had a degree in psychology.

This Program tackles and fixes some of the most usual reasons (and excuses) as to why we easily give up on the things we always wanted to have or achieve in the first place.

I recommend Your Self Miracle to all those who want to succeed and make their dreams come true.

Great job, Sledge!"

Amy Twain



Amazing Bonuses You Will Receive With Your Self Miracle...



Already a best seller the book contains even more examples of how to apply the success secrets and contains extra material that was cut out of the audio recordings to keep the size of them down.

You will find a lot more amazing tips and techniques in the book. It has a value of $27 and sells very well here:



Change Your Life Now




This is an Incredible book. Inside you will learn how to super boost your Brain Power, Optimize your IQ, and Enhance Your Mental Abilities to the Full.

The book contains vital information about your brain and the exact procedure you need to use to improve it.

This is all you need to turn your brain into something more powerful than today's fastest machines!

The book has a value of $47



The book will reveal:

How you can learn new information easily and with more accuracy than ever before
How you can be more creative about finding solutions to problems
How you can reduce your mental and physical stress
The functions and workings of your brain
How to train your brain
How to train your child's brain

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now



Learn about The Law of Attraction and how to harness the power of your mind to create your own destiny.

This powerful life force is there for you to use but you have to know how. This book will give you the exact steps to take.

Your life will change dramatically for the better by harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction.

The book has a value of $17


The book will reveal:

How your attitudes affect your daily experiences
How to change those attitudes to draw what you want most in life to you
What the law of attraction really is
The history of the law of attraction
How to use the law of attraction to make changes in your own life
The areas of your life most affected by the law of attraction

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now



It's very likely that you have some bad habits that you would like to rid yourself of.

Whether it's smoking, eating too much junk food, not exercising regularly in fact anything that is taking away your power rather than increasing it - you can stop.

Banish all your bad habits now with the help of this incredible book.

The book has a value of $17


The book will reveal:

The six stages in the process of breaking bad habits
How to replace bad habits with a healthy new lifestyle
How millions of people have succeeded in breaking a bad habit
Why will power alone isn’t enough
Why quitting a habit cold turkey usually doesn’t work
Why change is not an event, but a process

And a ton more...

Change Your Life Now



As a friend of Michael Lee once you order Your Self Miracle you will instantly become a member of the Self Miracle VIP Club then you will receive three staggering unannounced bonuses..

These are three different power packed audio programs that compliment Your Self Miracle perfectly and will take your success to amazing levels.

Two of these programs have not been launched and are not available anywhere else. Plus I will be adding new products to the VIP club for you to download free.

The three unannounced bonuses in the Self Miracle VIP Club have a staggering value of $167.

I will not say anymore as I am not prepared to reveal the contents of the VIP Club here. All I can say is that you will certainly not be disappointed!

I am going to be charging a monthly fee for access to the Self Miracle VIP Club very soon. I am finalizing all the set up details and once this is done this offer will be withdrawn for ever. Don't miss out! Act today.

Change Your Life Now


How Much Of An Investment Do I Have To Make...


When you act today you will get everything above for the incredibly low investment of $197 $147 $97 $67 $47! This is your very special price as a friend of Michael Lee.

If you were to invest in all of the products separately, this would come to $175. That's without the unannounced bonus which totaled together would be $359.

Let's recap what you are getting here:

Nine total life changing MP3 audios and session transcripts with the built in follow up system which has a value to you of $????? I can't put a value on how much this will mean to you only you can do that.
Four bonuses with a value of $108
Three unannounced bonuses with a value of $184

I have been paid $10,000 for a weeks consulting and I am revealing all of my secrets here and helping you through the process for just $67 $47!!

Plus I am going to totally remove all the risk for you...


You Can Try Your Self Miracle For 60 Days...



You are totally in control here. If I didn't have total confidence that Your Self Miracle will change your life forever then I would never make an offer like this.You can take that to the bank!


Change Your Life Today...


I don't know you so I can only guess what your life is like now. If you are anything like I was then you will not be feeling totally fulfilled and have no feeling of certainty about your future.

What would your life be like if you changed all of that and you were bursting with excitement about the future and totally confident that you will achieve anything that you want?

If you do nothing then where will you be in one year, five years or even ten years time? Will your life be better or worse?

Don't gamble with your life - take action now!


Change Your Life Now


"Success comes in CANS not CAN'Ts"

If you really want to change your life, then there really is no other decision but to click the  link below and get started...


Change Your Life Now


To your success

Graham "Sledge" Bowall


P.S. Don't drift along in life any longer. Get rid of your fears about the future and fill your life with excitement and possibility instead of tiredness, depression and uncertainty. Take action now!

P.P.S. You have absolutely zero risk! You can try out the awesome power of Your Self Miracle for 60 days absolutely risk free. This is a complete no brainer. I am taking all the risk here.

P.P.P.S. The Self Miracle VIP club has the most awesome unannounced bonuses  so don't lose out you must take action now!



  Your Self Miracle Is A Must Have!

"Whether you're new to personal development or have been using success principles for years, "Your Self Miracle" is a must have. It's jam packed with crucial core principles anyone can implement to become more successful in their life, delivered in entertaining chunks of information.

And, Graham has a built-in support system to ensure your success. First rate."

Jim Donovan, author of the international best-seller:

"This is Your Life, Not a Dress Rehearsal"




Risk Free Acceptance Form....

Yes Graham I really want to Change My Life with Your Self Miracle

I understand that by acting today that I am going to receive:

Your Self Miracle 9 MP3 Audio Set With Session Transcripts in PDF Format  
Your Self Miracle The Book in PDF Format
How To Exploit Your Brain's Unlimited Power in PDF Format
Law Of Attraction in PDF Format
Banish Bad Habits in PDF Format
Membership of the Self Miracle VIP Club with three unannounced bonuses of staggering quality and value

I understand that I will be covered by your full money back guarantee for sixty days and that I am receiving the very special price of $47 as a friend of Michael Lee rather than the normal price of $67 So act now before this offer is withdrawn!




  I Was Pumping My Fist And Screaming "Yes"!


"I just wanted you to know I was pumping my fist and screaming "YES!" as I was listening to Your Self Miracle. You are absolutely right on with this message, your presentation and approach. You should be very proud because this is life changing stuff. Your Self Miracle is going to positively impact a lot of lives.

It has everything in place to take you from wherever you are at the moment, to the highest achievement you can envision. And more. Great job. "

Pat Hicks


If You Have Any Questions Or Concerns Just Send An Email To

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Change Your Life

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